Grecian Body Recomposition

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If you're a man with too much stuff on your plate that wants to trigger new muscle growth and lose stubborn belly fat...then investing in my new program might well be the smartest decision you make today!

Here's what it's all about:

I've just created a new body transformation program called Grecian Body Recomposition. In it I reveal the principles, tips, strategies and secrets my clients and I have been using since 2010 to transform our bodies.

You get detailed explanation on how to train, what exercises to do, how to eat without hating yourself and more.

My goal with this program is for you to wake up in a new body a few months from now, without feeling like your lifestyle has taken a huge hit.

But that's not all.

  • Why every program that suggests a fixed number of reps and sets (for example 5X5, 4X8, 3X12 or any variation of them) is probably horrible for you

  • An unorthodox answer to the "When's the best time to train?" question (Inspired by one of the most legendary coaches who ever lived, whose clientele included dozens of Olympic athletes)

  • A 2-step "pre-workout" system that protects your body and joints from injury (Best part? You can forget about boring cardio)

  • What almost every Feetness Eggspert and steroid-infused youngster ignores about set intensity (Fact: After the age of 30 your body doesn't recover the same way it did when you were a teen or in your 20's. Understanding and smartly applying this truth can build you more muscle without increasing injury risk)

  • Tiny tweak in your sets that boosts your energy later in the day (Tip: Ignore the retarded "No Pain, No Gain!" mantra)

  • How often should you really weigh yourself if you want to lose weight and burn fat (Based on real research data that's ignored by mainstream doctors and dietitians)

  • Why it's totally possible to increase your flexibility by lifting weights and skipping any post-workout stretching (My clients and I have been following this advice for years and are more flexible than 99% of guys)

  • An ancient Greek's daily regimen that allowed him to become the strongest and most muscular athlete in his how you can tap into his secrets to overcome almost any muscle & strength plateau

  • You need to stretch after a workout if you want to reduce pain, right? WRONG! Here's a much better alternative if you want to eliminate soreness

  • Telltale sign of a coach who only cares about getting your hard-earned money: He suggests changing your workout every 3-4 weeks. Discover the correct alternative inside...

  • 3 powerful ways to slash stress even if you're surrounded by dorks and secretly feel the people in your life just don't get you

  • Have you ever felt that a workout is not really working for you? Here's advice from one of the best boxing coaches in the world on how to fix this

  • You should rest every 3-5 minutes if you want to build muscle and boost strength, right? Bzt. Wrong! Here's what my elite clients do instead...

  • How the R.G.B. scale (the model used in coloring) can help almost anyone improve his sleep quality as soon as today

  • An ingenious way of combining exercises that saves you a lot of time (Nothing to do with bisets, trisets and giant sets)

  • How to smartly manipulate your workouts in a way that will boost strength, build more muscle and keep you injury free (Full disclosure: You might have seen this in the past. But I use it with all my clients so this should give you confidence in it)

  • The "+1" quick fix that gets your strength levels unstuck

  • 4 progress killing villains threatening all men who are serious about transforming their bodies...and how to beat the heck out of them if they ever come for you

  • Why I sigh in disappointment whenever a client does the same number of reps in every set...and what you should do instead

  • What the "calories in, calories out is all you need to lose fat" crowd is missing (I don’t care what a 20-year old topless dude with a Hollywood smile says on Youtube. There’s a price to pay when you focus only on calories and even macros that's ignored by most men)

  • What to put in a plate to help you burn fat without feeling deprived

  • Why promises such as "You can lose all the weight and fat you want without even going hungry!" is a load of B.S.

  • Want to enjoy a free meal? Multiple your total meals by __% and you can enjoy anything you want, guilt-free.

(Full disclosure: The testimonials and pics are from men who have been clients in the past. They didn't use this program since I just launched it. If this is a turn-off for you, simply don't buy it)

“Friends and family insist I’m more muscular. The workouts are exciting and challenging. Every week I’m either doing more reps or lift more weight. My strength has increased by 30% in all the exercises. Oh by the way, the missus also wants to thank you. In the past she'd initiate sex but now? I'm the one initiating - my "appetite" has gone through the roof!” - Michael K, 42

“Unfortunately, I fell victim to fitness marketing. Not only I did not get the results I wanted, my shoulders and elbows began hurting. When we finally got in touch, you asked me about my goals, injuries/pains, my day to day life, if I'm stressed, how much I sleep etc. Six weeks later, friends, family, and I could clearly see the improvements on my body. People would ask what I ate, what I drank, and what workouts I did. Some even accused me of steroid use! Today, I'm in the best shape of my life, despite being 39, sleeping 4-5 hours and working a lot.” Constantine

Even though I was trying to lose weight, I saw huge improvements on my chest and shoulders (the very muscle groups I wanted to focus on with the program.) As a "side benefit" my confidence skyrocketed and feel there's no reason for girls to resist my charms ;-) I also loved that you're a cool guy, not some cold-blooded professional. - John P., physicist

“You instantly realized I need a program that will (first and foremost) make me feel good while reserving my energy for the rest of the day. You also crafted it in such a way that I don’t have to worry anymore about pains and aches that, at my age (50) I need a lot of time to recover from. An extra "benefit" is that I inspired my teenage daughter to start working out. If you knew her, you'd realize how amazing that is!”

- George Frantzeskakis, author and journalist

“Pains and aches that used to torment me were eliminated by 99%. Thanks to your program, the downward spiral that happens after age 40 has also been reversed! And this is something I'm reminded of whenever I see many of my old school mates.”

- George S., programmer

"When I started I was 206 lbs and doctors told me I was pre-diabetic with a BF of 30%+. After 3 months of working with you and following your suggestions to a T, I can now take off my shirt and feel proud. The numbers don't lie, either. I've lost 25 lbs, 15% of BF and I even put on some muscle. I just can't believe I did this with <one of the methods we use with clients>"

- Jim K., entrepreneur

"I became a new man (and that's something my social circle says, not me) after losing 40 pounds and maintaining a nice body without being 100% strict with my diet. My mental health improved. I'm also receiving looks and compliments from the ladies!" Paraskevas

"For the last few years I've tried all kinds of workouts to build muscle and burn fat (even the tabata protocol) but with no results. However, after following your advice, I lost 24 pounds/12 kilos by simply working out 3-4 days per week. I feel more energetic than ever. The last 5 years I was also suffering from pain in the neck area, but that has also disappeared. But my biggest "reward" are the looks and compliments my buddies give me, who haven't seen me in a while." - Constantine

  • 10 videos revealing the Grecian Training secrets clients use to train smartly and build muscle without hurting themselves or spending 2+ hours at the gym

  • Videos of the exercises - Each exercise is accompanied by a video. This way you'll feel 100% sure when executing it. No need to search Youtube yourself and cripple yourself with advice from people who have never trained others

  • Downloadable Quick Start Guide - Great "just the facts please" report if you want to start training as fast as possible

  • Grecian Eating Principles - Downloadable report showing how to burn stubborn fat without eating foods you hate or being "that guy" at social events

  • Grecian Stress Slasher - 3 videos where you discover powerful tips that can lower stress...even if you feel like you're surrounded by dorks and people who just don't get you

  • Grecian Sleep Solution - Downloadable report with my top 3 ways of solving any sleep problem you might have

  • Downloadable document and spreadsheet of the workouts along with a video showing you how to track your progress smartly

  • 5 answers to your questions via email - Got questions? I got answers. Email me up to 5 times at and I'll do my best to give you a detailed answer to your most burning question. I typically answer every 24-48 hours


A: Negative.

I've been in the industry for more than a decade and know that my methods work. The only people who don't see results, are the ones who don't do jack shit. If you aren't willing to put in the effort to transform your body don't waste our time and go grab a free program from the interwebz.

A: Each exercise is accompanied by a video. Plus if you feel that an exercise hurts you, you can ask me to tweak/substitute it as one of the 5 questions you get when you buy Grecian Body Recomposition today.

A: There's a "gym" version and a "at home" one. For the home version, you'll need a set of dumbbells where you can increase/decrease the weight (they don't need to be the expensive, adjustable ones) a set of bands and your bodyweight.

A: You get a 3 day and 4 day per week schedule. I suggest starting with 3 days per week since this is enough for most guys. After 2-3 months you can try adding a 4th day in your week. Me and my clients train 3 days per week 90% of the times and we're growing just fine.

As for how much time you'll have to spend, it depends on a few factors. If you train at a gym during busy hours, it will take longer than usual. If you train at home and have everything set up, it will take less than usual. Having said that it will be rare for a training session to exceed 60 minutes.

A: You can email me up to 5 questions and I'll do my best to answer them. I don't answer with one liners and prefer being as detailed as possible.

If you think you'll need more help, we can discuss one of the various coaching opportunities I offer.  

A: You will get a text file directing you to one of me websites. There you'll find everything neatly put together for you to consume. If you have any issue, you can email me and I'll do my best to help you out.

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Grecian Body Recomposition

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