Jacked Grecian Body

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Imagine Waving A Magic Wand And Adding 12 More Hours To Your Days

Would you spend all 12 of them on training and eating?


It's an overkill, right?

You know you don't need that much extra time to add size, boost strength, and lose fat.

So if not 12 hours, how much time do you really need?

The answer lies in something called physique "G.E. spots" or "Good Enough spots."

See, there are certain sweet spots that lean us out and build us size and strength.

When you hit those sweet spots, you can…stop.

You don’t need to perform an extra set or exercise, add another cardio session, slash your food intake by 300-500 calories, or whatever the latest trend about getting jacked is.

This frees up time and energy to enjoy this thing called life.

And you can do so guilt-free.


Because you’ve given your body the necessary stimuli and you know doing more or pushing harder won’t give better or faster results.

But if this is your first time reading about those physique "G.E. spots" how do you take advantage of them?

Introducing Jacked Grecian Body

SGB is a 3-phase program designed for men who want to get bigger, stronger, and leaner without making fitness a full-time job.

There's nothing theoretical or unproven here.

You'll benefit from the same muscle-building, fat-burning, and time-saving strategies I've been using with my private clients for over a decade.

Everything is explained in simple to understand terms and with many examples. My aim wasn't to impress colleagues and intimidate you with big fancy words.

Instead, you can finish the e-book in one sitting and have all the tools you need to get jacked.

I also touch on mistakes and obstacles that might pop up and share simple solutions.

And if there's anything that confuses you or you believe is missing, you're welcome to message me at fotis@grecianfitness.eu and I'd be glad to help.

More Secrets You'll Discover Inside This Short E-book

  • "The more you grow the more you realize the battle is not won with intensity but with ________" (Great insight if you have shitty genetics and don't use steroids)

  • What's the best mindset to adopt if you really want to get jacked...and three simple ways to "install" it to in your brain

  • A simple twist to an old-school bodybuilding staple that greatly reduces workout time and boosts your cardiovasculare endurance

  • What we can all learn from my favorite dog

  • 3 glorious muscle building principles ignored by most guys

  • A breakthrough way of looking at ab training that will also strengthen your low back

  • How to get lean without hating your good-looking self

Can I Help You? You Be The Judge

“Friends and family insist I’m more muscular. The workouts are exciting and challenging. Every week I’m either doing more reps or lift more weight. My strength has increased by 30% in all the exercises. Oh by the way, the missus also wants to thank you. In the past she’d initiate sex but now? I’m the one initiating – my “appetite” has gone through the roof!” - Michael K, 42

“Unfortunately, I fell victim to fitness marketing. Not only I did not get the results I wanted, my shoulders and elbows began hurting. When we finally got in touch, you asked me about my goals, injuries/pains, my day to day life, if I’m stressed, how much I sleep etc. Six weeks later, friends, family, and I could clearly see the improvements on my body. People would ask what I ate, what I drank, and what workouts I did. Some even accused me of steroid use! Today, I’m in the best shape of my life, despite being 39, sleeping 4-5 hours and working a lot.” - Konstantine, 39

"For the last few years I've tried all kinds of workouts to build muscle and burn fat (even the tabata protocol) but with no results. However, after following your advice, I lost 24 pounds/12 kilos by simply working out 3-4 days per week. I feel more energetic than ever. The last 5 years I was also suffering from pain in the neck area, but that has also disappeared. But my biggest "reward" are the looks and compliments my buddies give me, who haven't seen me in a while." - Constantine

What's Inside?

Yes, I'm using quite a few graphics as you can see. They provide eye relief, make the reading experience more enjoyable and the captions help you solidify the concepts.

Extra Bonuses

1) How To Grow Bigger Without Even Finishing The E-book

I created this 20-minute audio with the aim to give you a quick win. You can listen to it on your way to the gym, and immediately make your workout more productive. I'm revealing a framework that works no matter whose training program you follow

2) 3 Dumb Mistakes Scrawny And Weak Men Make With Their Training

I've seen guys train for over a decade now. And I've noticed that those who lack size and strength always seem to make 3 very specific mistakes. Discover them today by listening to this audio and ensure you don't fall victim to them

3) 12 Weeks Of Email Communication With Me

With your purchase you get the privilege of asking me anything you want for 12 weeks. I won’t be your pen buddy nor will I create a custom plan for you. But I’ll give you as many clarifications and suggestions needed to help you. I can’t (yet!) read minds. If you’re stuck, you’ll have to reach out. Guys who ask questions are more likely to succeed and it makes sense - asking questions means you’re consuming and applying the info (something 99% of the population doesn't do) You’re already on track to success, so let me get rid of any final obstacles you face

What's Unique About Jacked Grecian Body?

It will show you how to reach those "Good Enough" sweet spots to become a bigger, stronger, and leaner version of your good-looking self.

It wasn't written with Fitness models, bodybuilding pros, or guys with too much free time in mind. Those people adopt a "no pain no gain" mindset that, although it sounds macho, it's useless (and even damaging) for busy professional men.

The uniqueness of this product is that you'll most definitely add muscle, boost strength and lose fat, while still having time for this thing called "life."

Here's What You'll Receive

  • Jacked Grecian Body, a 45-page ebook in pdf format

  • How To Grow Bigger Without Even Finishing The E-book, a 20-minute audio in mp3 format

  • 3 Dumb Mistakes Scrawny And Weak Men Make With Their Training, a 20-minute audio in mp3 format

  • 12 Weeks Of Email Communication With Me. Email me at fotis@grecianfitness.eu with any question you have and I'll get back to you within 24-48 hours. If I'm too busy and won't be able to answer within 48 hours, I'll at least acknowledge your email and let you know that I'll get back to you

Answers To Questions You Might Have

How many days will I have to train each week?

It depends on the phase. For phase 1 of the program, 3 days per week. For phase 2, 3-4 days per week. And for phase 3, 4 days per week.

How long does each phase last?

I suggest 8-12 weeks...not the typical 4 weeks commonly suggested by Feetness Eggsperts. Why? You'll find out inside the book 😉

How long does each workout last?

Around 45-60 minutes. If it ends up lasting more, email me and I'll see if I can make suggestions to shorten the duration

What equipment will I need for the workouts?

The exercises can be performed in two different environments:

1) A commercial gym. You won't need fancy equipment. A barbell, dummbells, a bench, and cable machines are enough

2) A home gym. For this you'll need an adjustable bench, a set of dumbbells where you can adjust the weight, and a good set of bands (I suggest Bodylastics)

Is there a bodyweight-only version?

Nope. I avoid bodyweight-only programs and I suggest you do the same. It's hard to efficiently target certain muscle groups. Bodyweight only workouts are OK if you want just to train, but for specialized growth you need some kind of basic equipment.

The cover looks like it was created for an erotica novel. Was this intentional?

Of course 😉

I experience pain in XYZ joint, is this for me?

All of my programs follow a joint-friendly approach because all of my clients have one or more problematic joints. So I created Jacked Grecian Body with joint-friendly exercises.

However, if you experience pain during any exercise, let me know via email and I'll suggest and alternative.

Do I really see a chick dressed as a sexy magician in one of the "What's Inside" pics?

Correct 😉

What if I have questions?

You can ask me anything you want for 12 weeks. Just email me at fotis@grecianfitness.eu and I'd be happy to help.

Will you give me a diet to follow?

Negative. I'm giving you the blueprint I follow to maintain a 4 pack year round, without hating myself, and while eating junk food. It's the same blueprint I give clients and they've been happy with the results so far.

You're Greek and I don't believe your command of the English language is good enough.

Ε τότε μην αγοράσεις ρε μεγάλε. Επίσης αυτό δεν ήταν ερώτηση.

OK, seriously now, what if something you say doesn't make sense?

You can email me and ask for clarifications.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Negative. If you don't think I'm the guy to help you, simply don't buy from me.

How Do I Buy?

Find the green "I want this!" button and press it.

You'll be directed to a page to complete your information (credit card or paypal, name, email, etc)

Once done, you'll receive the material in your account here or via email. If you have any question please ask Gumroad's support, not me since I don't control the platform.

Also please note: depending on where you live, you might have to pay a VAT tax. So the final price might be higher than the one you see on this page

I want this!

You get the Jacked Grecian Body pdf, the 2 audio programs mentioned, and 12 weeks of email coaching with me so you can get answers to any questions you might have

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Jacked Grecian Body

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