Viking Muscle Assault

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If You Can Train 3 Times Per Week This Norwegian Intensity Technique Can Trigger New Muscle Growth...Even If Conventional Methods Have Failed Your Good-Looking Self In The Past

Hey omorfe,

If you're a busy guy who wants to add lean muscle tissue to your frame in a time-efficient, joint-friendly manner, my new program might well be the best investment you make today.

However, since I hate creating the wrong impressions with my work let me be clear about the following:

1) There are no money back guarantees and all sales are final. If you don't believe I can help you, simply don't buy

2) The program is based on an intensity technique I first heard from a great coach who (from what I understand) is no longer very active in the fitness industry. So I make no claims I was the one who came up with it. I just took it, applied it to my own program and the programs of my clients and have refined it over the last few years

3) Even though people (and especially some of my ex girlfriends) think I have a God complex, I'm definitely not a magician. If you invest in my program today, you will have to put in the work and be consistent. If you get a boner whenever you hear about "magic solutions" "overnight results," "catapult muscle growth by 49032% in 5 seconds" I suggest leaving this page and staying away from anything with my name on it

Still here?


Means you're an intelligent guy who respects himself and is sick and tired of the B.S. found in the Fitness industry; aka my ideal type of client

Introducing Viking Muscle Assault

In my far-from-humble opinion, this is one of the best training programs ever created.


Because it uses a little-known Norwegian intensity technique that forces new growth to your muscles. I've been a coach for over a decade now and I've never seen anything like it. It's also the only time I'm creating a program that revolves 100% around this method.

Clients who use this technique:

  • spend less time training

  • improve their cardiovascular endurance

  • burn fat

  • protect their joints

  • and of course, build muscle

Not bad right?

When the program is finally ready on February 13th, it will cost $59.

But you can pre-order it for only $35 if you act fast.

When it's ready you'll receive a pdf with the program along with any additional material I create.

What's Unique About Viking Muscle Assault?

That it will show you how to tap into one of the most important yet often misunderstood muscle-building levers; intensity.

Most guys think intensity starts and ends with progressive overload (aka lifting more weight for more reps over time). This is a good foundation but it's not enough long term.

You need to employ intensification techniques after a certain level.

Problem is, if you're not careful you can easily dislocate a joint or pull a muscle. You can't just mindlessly perform drop sets, forced eccentrics, pre-fatiguing or other well-known intensity techniques.

Viking Muscle Assaults focuses on a high-intensity technique that's amazing for busy men who have mediocre (or worse) genetics, don't use steroids and don't recover as well as younger guys.

You'll also get sample workouts along with instruction on how to perform them for maximum results.

Answers To Questions You Might Have

When will I get the program?

Official release date is February 13th. But if my dates end up flaking/ghosting more than usual girls, I'll release it earlier.

How many days will I have to train each week?

Minimum is 3 and I also give an option for 4. You don't need more days when following this program due to the high-intensity nature of the technique we'll be using.

How long does each workout last?

Around 45-60 minutes. If it ends up lasting more, email me and I'll see if I can make suggestions to shorten the duration

What equipment will I need for the workouts?

The exercises can be performed in two different environments:

1) A commercial gym. You won't need fancy equipment. A barbell, dummbells, a bench, and cable machines are enough

2) A home gym. For this you'll need an adjustable bench, a set of dumbbells where you can adjust the weight, and a good set of bands (I suggest Bodylastics)

Is there a bodyweight-only version?

Nope. I avoid bodyweight-only programs and I suggest you do the same. It's hard to efficiently target certain muscle groups. Bodyweight only workouts are OK if you want just to train, but for specialized growth you need some kind of basic equipment.

I experience pain in XYZ joint, is this for me?

All of my programs follow a joint-friendly approach because all of my clients have one or more problematic joints. So I created Viking Muscle Assault with joint-friendly exercises.

However, if you experience pain during any exercise, let me know via email and I'll suggest and alternative.

What if I have questions?

Just email me at and I'd be happy to help.

Will you give me a diet to follow?

Negative. Check my Sculpted Grecian Body book or Jacked Grecian Body program if you need help with your diet.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Negative. If you don't think I'm the guy to help you, simply don't buy from me.

How Do I Pre-Order?

Find the green "I want this!" button and press it.

You'll be directed to a page to complete your information (credit card or paypal, name, email, etc)

Once done, you'll receive the material in your account here or via email when the program is released on February 13th. If you have any question please ask Gumroad's support, not me since I don't control the platform.

Also please note: depending on where you live, you might have to pay a VAT tax. So the final price might be higher than the one you see on this page

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The e-book of Viking Muscle Assault

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Viking Muscle Assault

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